Monday, May 6, 2013

Cheesy Kimchi Fried Rice

Cheesy Kimchi Fried Rice (Kimchi Bokkeum Bap) 
The other night, my guy and I decided to venture out to one of the late-night Korean places near Johns Hopkins University. We'd read some Yelp reviews and our chosen destination looked promising. So, with our appetites and curiosity piqued, off we went!

When we got there, we just smiled. Inside the tiny restaurant, club music thumped, laser lights bounced from wall to wall, and several dozed Hopkins students rowdily celebrated the end of their exams with shots of soju and extra large bottles of korean beer.

We felt old.

But, that was okay! Because we also had the distinct impression that we had very likely discovered our new secret restaurant, the kind of place we could go and not run into a single person we knew. We ordered up a few of our favorites: dduk mandu guk for me and kimchi fried rice for him. Both exceeded our expectations. Especially the rice.

We're both big kimchi fried rice fans in this house, and I make a mean version myself. But, there was something distinctly different, about this one. We tasted and pondered. Finally, I had it. "I think it's... cheese!"

Oh yeah, that's right. I said cheese. In kimchi bokkeum bap. At first I, too, was a little incredulous, but after a little internet research, I discovered that it's less unheard of that you think (in fact pretty common) and a whole lot more delicious than it sounds. Here's one variation from a great blog I discovered recently called Heart, Mind, and Seoul. (She makes another that she serves in little bacon-wrapped balls!)

Well on this rainy day, as I pondered my lunch options, I spotted a single serving of cooked brown rice in the fridge and I knew I had to try making a cheesy version myself. So, got out the rice, along with a green onion, some nice, very ripe kimchi and juice, sesame oil, shredded sharp cheddar and just a little butter, and set to work. All I can say is: yum.
"Hello, lover."

Cheesy Kimchi Fried Rice
(one serving)
3/4 cup cooked rice (white or brown)
heaping 1/4 cup very ripe kimchi
kimchi juice to taste
1 green onion sliced
drizzle of sesame oil
sprinkle of shredded cheddar cheese to taste (have fun and experiment with different cheeses!)
salt and pepper to taste
tiny sliver of butter

Drizzle about a teaspoon or so of sesame oil into a nonstick skillet and heat over high. Add in the kimchi and sauté for a minute or two until fragrant. Add in the rice and kimchi juice and stirfry, then add the green onions and stirfry a little more. Add the cheese, then taste it and season with salt and pepper. Stir in just a tiny sliver of butter (you don't need much).

Serve hot and enjoy on the couch, wrapped up in your favorite blanket!


  1. Yes, the combo of kimchi and cheese is one of my favorites! Some people think it's weird but it's totally popular in Korea and I love it! :)
