Thursday, December 13, 2012

Guess Who I Met Today!

It's not often that you get to meet one of your idols. Actually, that's not completely true, I see my favorite writer in the world very frequently because she happens to live in my neighborhood, and like me, she takes a walk every day. We often pass each other by and say "hello" or "good morning," or rather she says hello and I am almost always too star struck to respond.

Anyway, today, I did not see that writer who I adore (I am not going to mention her name because she's very private), but I did see my all-time favorite cookbook author, cooking show host, party thrower, and business woman extraordinaire: the one and only INA GARTEN! Yes, I am talking about the Barefoot Contessa. Even though she doesn't have an official title, to me she may as well be royalty.

Today, she was signing cookbooks at my local Williams-Sonoma and I was one of the lucky people who had a reserved copy of Foolproof, her new book, and a spot in line to meet her (thanks, Dad!).

Hundreds of people lined up to meet her and the nice folks at Williams-Sonoma, as well as a place called The Velvet Chocolatier (delicious!) and The Vintage Baker (also yummy) supplied us all with snacks and drinks while we waited. Everyone in line was so nice and it made me feel like less of a weirdo to discover that they were all just as excited and nervous to meet her!

Well, the hour went by quickly (unless you ask my toes, which are still frozen) and soon enough, I was standing there, chatting with Ina's assistant, Barbara about Baltimore and how much she loves this town. I also got to meet Ina's friend, Frank (who, if you watch the show, you will know!) and then, the wonderful, kind, and gracious Ina. She was moving the line right along and so couldn't pose for pictures, but still managed to say "I hope you love the book!" to me and apologized for the wait to the girl in front of me. I was super excited, as you can see from this picture.

And don't you just love the camera-ready employee in this one?

Anyway, it was a great day and I will always remember it!

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