Friday, July 27, 2012

Summer, Season of Bad Hair Days and Lemonade

If there's one thing you can always count on in Baltimore, it's the humidity. If I'm feeling optimistic in the mornings during the summer, I'll make an attempt to blow out my hair. But, as soon as I go outside, I am confronted once again with that feeling of "Why did I even bother?" Yes, hairdo's and Baltimore summers are pretty much an exercise in futility. And on a day like today, when you can literally feel it expanding on your head by the minute, there's really only one thing to do.

Make lemonade.

Here's how I make mine--serves 1.

1 lemon
8 oz cold, filtered water
10 drops stevia liquid
Ice cubes

Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a tall glass and add 10-12 drops of stevia liquid. Pour in water until the glass is 3/4 full. Add ice. Frown at your hair in the mirror, accept it, and enjoy.

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